Newsletter to download

Dear Parents,

This week is Safer Internet Week at Cronk y Berry. Although our motto is to ‘be safe online every time’, we always take a week to focus on a specific eSafety aspect. Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally with the theme: Together for a better internet

We spoke to the children in a special assembly on Monday. In our assembly, we asked the boys and girls to make the right choice when online, asking permission and reminded them how to get help.

During the week the children will be looking at some of the other key messages for staying safe on the internet following the SMART rules:


Please have a look at the Cronk y Berry website eSquad page where there are parent guides and links to useful sites, including:

We hope you keep safe online, remember: Before you click, stop and think!

Yours sincerely,

CYB eSquad