The Cronk y Berry eSquad aim to help children, parents and staff with keeping safe online. We will post items on pages in this section to help you.

The Cronk y Berry eSquad aim to help children, parents and staff with keeping safe online. We will post items on pages in this section to help you.
More in the section eSquad:
We have launched the Safer Schools App with the children in a special assembly this week. We highly recommend you download it if you haven’t already. Just yesterday they released a video on Tik Tok parent control settings (click here to see the video) We would like some more people to complete our…
Dear Parents, CYB eSquad are excited to launch a new app at Cronk y Berry. Whether you’re a mum, dad, carer, auntie, uncle, granny, grandpa or even an auntie- who’s-not-really-an-auntie-but-you’re-mum’s-best-friend-so-we-call-you-auntie- anyway, it’s important for you to understand what children ar…
Dear Parents, This guide was published last week by the National Online Safety Team, who say the following: LIKE (soon to be rebranded as Likee) is a free video creation and editing app similar to TikTok. It has a global community of over 200 million users who can create any type of video, add thei…
The National Online Safety website publishes parent guides. This guide is a help sheet with the issues surrounding children being online and communicating with others. Click here to see more or download the guide. Parent Guide to Grooming pdf
It can be challenging for parents and carers to know whether children are spending too much time on their devices. Furthermore, it’s even more of a challenge to know whether a child is addicted to the internet and social media. As technology is becoming more pervasive, children and young people are…
The National Online Safety website publishes parent guides. This guide is a help sheet with the issues surrounding children being online and communicating with others in Whatsapp. Click to view and download: WhatsApp_Parents_Guide.pdf
Do you know the difference between BBFC and PEGI ratings? We're guiding parents through the complex world of age ratings for films, TV, music videos and games. Click here to download.
This is a useful guide to the age restrictions on apps we know children are using.
Follow this guide to stay safe online. Download Poster
This is eSquad 2022. They've been busy sorting out all the iPads to arrange apps on each page, keeping them up-to-date and adding apps!
Fake news can be false information, photos or videos purposefully created to confuse or misinform. It can also be genuine information that has been manipulated to deceive. It is important that we learn how to distinguish between real news and fake news. Download this parent guide: NOS_fake_news_Jan…
This is an interesting article that we think children and parents who are on Instagram should read together. A lawyer in the UK has rewritten the privacy policy from Instagram in child friendly speech, raising some issues all uses should be aware of.…
Talking about the online world with your child can be difficult, and some topics can be particularly awkward; for you and your child! As a result of this, we have put together a series of 7 questions that will help you start an initial conversation with your child, so you have a better understandin…
Momo is a sinister ‘challenge’ that has been around for some time. It has recently resurfaced and once again has come to the attention of schools and children across the country. Dubbed the ‘suicide killer game’, Momo has been heavily linked with apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and most r…
This is a website linked to the NSPCC which has useful advice for parents on apps, games and social networking pages that are currently in the news. Net aware
I have attached a leaflet on Online Gaming for Parents. With new games being bought for Christmas, it may be useful to have a little insight into possible risks or safety features that can be used to ensure children are not exposed to harm. Further information and advice can be found on Childnet. D…
Dear Parents, We are aware that there are children in school playing the popular new online game called Fortnite. There are some useful guides for parents which explain the rating, the content in the game, as well as highlighting how to make sure your child is safe playing this online game. It also…
Live streaming is the term used to describe the broadcast of a real-time video from a mobile device, tablet or games console. Many live streaming apps have the functionality for interactions from viewers, such as commenting, live chats and sending reactions during the broadcast. Live streaming open…
Once again, we are making Wednesday our Web-Safe day with the aim of raising awareness of Internet safety issues and how to get help. Some of the guides may suit your children now, or maybe more appropriate in the future. All of the guides can be found on our eSquad school website page for future r…
This week’s guide is Social Media Influencers: Social media influencers are people who have established credibility in a specific industry and have the power to influence other people’s decisions. Most commonly associated with YouTube and Instagram, ‘influencers’ will usually have a large number of…
This week’s guide is a good conversation starter – do video games cause violent behaviour? The recently successful award winning team at National Online Safety say: Since the dawn of video games there have been questions asked about their potential link to violent or disruptive behaviour in people,…
With over 50 million players worldwide within its first month, it's considered to be one of the hottest games on the market, especially with young people. Apex Legends is a multiplayer battle royale video game which is free to play. In this game, twenty squads consisting of three players each are d…
eSquad have been asked to help with some parent guides to apps currently being used by pupils. We know that there are children on these apps even though they are not the right age yet. Our aim is to always remind the children to be SMART online to stay safe, and this includes telling the truth abou…
The UK Safer Internet Centre have published guides for parents whose children have these devices: Playstation PS4 and Vita Playstation PS3 and PSP Nintendo X Box 360, X Box Live and X Box One There are helpful instructions to help you understand the capabilities of the gaming device, how to set up…
Children (and adults) often don’t know what they’re signing up to when they join Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, WhatsApp or Instagram. That’s why the UK's Children's Commissioner has worked with lawyers to create simplified versions of Terms and Conditions for the most popular social media platforms.…
Today Snapchat introduced a new feature, the ‘Snap Map’. This location based map allows users to see where in the country their Snapchat contacts are, as well as seeing location based photos and videos. The Snap Map shows a user’s Bitmoji, their cartoon avatar within Snapchat, pinpointed on a world…
TikTok is a global video community where users create, share and discover ‘funny and memorable moments’ via short video clips – typically about 15 seconds long. Videos can be ‘spiced up’ with special effect filters, stickers, music and sound clips. Currently one of the world’s most popular apps, Ti…
Online bullying – also known as cyberbullying – is bullying that takes place ON THE INTERNET or via electronic devices and mobile phones. It can include: Sending someone mean or threatening emails, direct messages or text messages; Hacking into someone’s online account; Being rude or mean to someon…
Xbox Live is an online gaming service created and operated by Microsoft which sees more than one billion multiplayer matches played each month. Gamers can connect their Xbox console and Windows 10 PCs, tablets and phones to Xbox Live to download and play free games. They can also play games with ot…
YouTube is a video sharing site/application that enables you to upload, view, rate, share and comment on a wide variety of videos. Consisting of a huge resource of information, advice and entertainment, YouTube now has 1.9 billion logged-in monthly users who watch a billion hours of video daily. Mo…