What we've been up to…

Our school is a busy place and our children are involved in so many exciting and wonderful activities, both in the classroom, out in the school grounds and in the local community. We will try and keep you all updated as much as we can, through posts on this blog. We hope you enjoy keeping up to date with our school's many successes and achievements.

Fire Safety Poster Winner
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Congratulations to Ava in Year 6 for winning the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service Community Safety poster competition in the Primary School category. Local Leading Firefighter Community Safety officer, Richard Little, set the schools a task to design a new poster which promotes the use of smoke…

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Looking after your teeth in Year 4
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Rosemarie Cuskeran from Manx Care visited Year 4 this morning to talk to us about the importance of looking after our teeth. She talked to us about healthy snacks and drinks and showed us the best way to brush our teeth. We learned that we should only use water to wash our toothbrush when we have f…

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We would like to say a big 'Thank you' to Janelle for running the cricket sessions for Reception to Year 4 this week. They all really enjoyed themselves. We are very grateful of her time, support and enthusiasm to make this summer sport a fun activity for our pupils. Years 5 and 6 are looking forwa…

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Girls' Football
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What a day! Today some girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended the IOM FA girls football competition, where around 25 teams took part. It was an absolute pleasure to see our girls’ confidence, skills and teamwork develop over the day. They did a fantastic job playing against some tough teams and manag…

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Year 4 Africa Topic Visit
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Year 4 had a visit from Vivian Boateng today as part of our Around the World in 80 Days theme for our book week. Vivian told us all about her home country of Ghana and showed us traditional clothing, a drum and some traditional dancing. We weren't so keen on the information she gave us about school…

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Mrs Kennaugh's Star
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The staff at Cronk y Berry bought Mrs Kennaugh a star as a gift. She named this star Grace, and chose it's location within the constellation of Orion. We have got a map and instructions to locate this on a starry night. The sky at night apps also helps to locate it. Locating the Area of the Star On…

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Tribute to Mrs. Kennaugh
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On the 13th of February 2024, we sadly said farewell to one of our most beloved figures, Mrs. Debi Kennaugh, a remarkable school administrator whose impact has reverberated throughout the years. Since the establishment of Cronk y Berry in 1998, Mrs. Kennaugh has played a vital role in shaping our s…

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Year 3 Tag Rugby
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Year 3 did a fantastic job representing the school in the recent Tag Rugby competition. They displayed some superb teamwork, communication and encouragement and set a good example with their behaviour and following of the tag rugby rules. Their tag rugby skills improved over the morning and mostly…

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Thinking Day
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Today, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides were allowed to wear their Girlguiding uniform to school. On the 22nd of February Girl Guide and Girl Scout groups around the world celebrated World Thinking Day. A traditional way to celebrate this is to wear your uniform to school. Girlguiding members across t…

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