This section of the website has important information about Cronk y Berry.
School Information

This section of the website has important information about Cronk y Berry.
More in the section School Information:
Headteacher Alex Quane (Mrs) - Safeguarding Lead Deputy Headteacher Sally Roddy - Deputy Safeguarding Lead Reception TeachersMiss LeachSupport StaffMrs Evans Year 1 Miss BoydeMrs Morgan Year 2 Mrs CrookallMiss Graham …
At Cronk y Berry, we use itslearning as a learning platform for both in school and home learning. Each pupil has their own login name and password which have been sent by email to families. Click here to access it: Here are some guides to help you: Logging_in_wit…
Absences and Lateness Please inform school by telephone or email if your child is going to be absent or late so that we can account for them. We expect children to be punctual and we keep a record if a child is late. If a child is absent and you do not inform us, school will phone to find out where…
The individual needs of children will, in the vast majority of cases, be catered for within the classroom by the class teacher. However, occasionally a child may be identified as having additional needs. In such situations, the school’s Special Educational Needs Co- ordinator (SENCo) works with the…
To view the catchment area for Cronk y Berry School, visit the Isle of Man Government's School Catchment map.
Extra curricular clubs, which complement the learning that takes place within the curriculum, may be available. The clubs offered may vary from term to term and messages are shared with children at the start of each term. Educational visits to enrich children’s learning and development are also org…
GUIDANCE NOTES FOR PARENTS If you have a concern or complaint We would like you to tell us about it. We welcome any suggestions for improving our service. Be assured that no matter what you want to tell us, our support and respect for you and your child in the school will not be affected in any way…
If you are on Facebook, please like and follow our page. Here we share news, reminders, videos and much more! Videos:
At Cronk y Berry, the pupils in Year 6 are visited by the Isle of Man Road Safety team to be taught how to be safe when cycling on the road. The will participate in the UK National Standard off-road (Level 1) and on-road (Level 2) cycle training, delivered by appropriately qualified instructors. Th…
At Cronk y Berry, we recognise the importance of safety in the online world. We have a curriculum which identifties opportunities to explore this in the children's learning, an eSquad who promote safety through assemblies and activities and an annual focus on the Safer Internet Safety day messages.…
Our positive self discipline strategy is used with uniformity across the school from class to class and the emphasis on this is to reward and praise the expected level of behaviour which the vast majority of our children display on a daily basis. Our main emphasis is always on promoting learning ac…
Download Spring Term 2024 Starts: Monday 8 January 2024 Half Term: Monday 19 February to Friday 23 FebruaryIncludes 2 days in-service for all schools to be twilighted Close for Easter: Thursday 28 March Summer Term 2024 Start: Monday 15 April 2024 Bank Holiday: Monday 6 May Bank Holiday: Monday 27…
At Cronk y Berry there are opportunities for children to learn languages. In Years 4,5 and 6, pupils receive Manx lessons from the Manx Language team for two terms each year. In addition, there are optional French and Spanish lunchtime clubs - visit the website of the team who provide these lessons…
At Cronk y Berry, we are delighted to work with the DESC Music Service to offer pupils in Years 5 and 6 the opportunity to learn an instrument. The peripatetic teachers linked to our school visit the classes in September to demonstrate the instruments and provide application forms. These forms cont…
2024/25 Menu Meals at school The school has its own kitchen and two-course meals are available, as well as the additional option for children to choose from an extensive salad bar. There are also facilities for children to have packed lunches. The eating of sweets is not permitted at school so plea…
Health The school health service consists of a team of people with special training and experience in child health and development. The team includes school health advisers, school doctors, speech therapists and dentists. The School Health Adviser for CYB is Mrs. Lynn Hampton. Lynn is available to…
Cronk y Berry uses the Morrells’ Handwriting scheme to develop the children's handwriting. These resources cover the key stages of the writing process from letter formation to cursive writing and centre on the idea that it’s important for children to create letters stroke by stroke on paper. There…
We use Parent Pay for all finances (drinks, lunch, school trips and charity donations) so please sign up when you get your logins, these will be made available as soon as we are able to. This should make payment easier for you and stops coins being lost in book bags. In addition, we use the Arbor P…
The following information provides a breakdown regarding levels of attainment in Years Two and Six at Cronk y Berry School for the academic year 2021/22 The data does not form a complete picture of achievement at our school which is measured by the individual progress a child makes and which is rep…
Dear Parents and Carers, An external validation visit was undertaken at Cronk Y Berry School on the 17th and 18th June 2024 as part of a programme of external validation of schools commissioned by The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC). The aim of the external validation…
Safety at School All staff are vigilant in making the school building as secure as possible. The doors have one way locks that open from the inside, which prevents strangers walking into school through the many exterior doors. The Department have installed fire alarm and sensor detectors in school…
Our pupils enjoy wearing their school uniform and we feel that wearing this does help to develop both a sense of personal pride and togetherness. •School sweatshirt or cardigan (black) •White polo shirt or blouse. •Grey (or dark coloured) skirt or trousers. •White polo shirt, with badge on or witho…
At Cronk y Berry we value all members of the school and the school community. Through clear leadership, as well as clearly defined roles and responsibilities, we work together to provide an inclusive environment for all. We understand the importance of preparing children to become life long learner…
Secrets of Success The Secrets of Success are an idea developed by Chris Quigley. We have started to use and apply these ideas to promote personal development and positive attitudes to learning. They work towards developing the ability of children to learn effectively, so they are equipped to fully…
We hope that your child's time at the school is happy and productive. We are always happy to discuss matters with parents and carers to ensure every child achieves his or her full potential. If, at any time, you have any concerns about your child at school, then please do not hesitate to contact th…
The children at Cronk y Berry use Spelling Shed to learn and practise spellings. Click here for the parent guide. Link to the Spelling Shed Login.
The pupils in Years 3,4,5 and 6 receive two terms of swimming lessons. The thirty minute lessons take place at the NSC. The children are assessed by the leading swimming teacher and grouped accordingly. They then learn the skills required to pass the stage they are on. We use a bus to travel there,…
At Cronk y Berry School we are committed to providing a varied and exciting curriculum for our pupils. Alongside the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills, themed based learning allows staff to respond to children’s interests, making learning motivating and engaging. It also allows children to m…
At Cronk y Berry we use Times Tables Rockstars to allow the pupils to learn and recall their times tables. TT Rockstars Website
Inclusion is given a high priority by the school at certain key times of transition for pupils. During the induction process, children are invited into the Reception classes for informal visits in small groups during July and parents are invited to an open evening in June. Meetings may be held in t…
Cronk y Berry School Uniform: Uniform can be purchased at Promenade T-Shirts. We also have a selection of second hand uniform at school in the entrance, for £2 an item PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME!
Every year, the pupils in Reception and Year 6 buddy together. The pupils create a special bond and spend time getting to know each other over the year. Every few weeks, the classes join together to read, make and create, complete challenges and much more. These relationships have provided so much…
Year 6 is an important year that provides the pupils with new opportunities and prepares them for the move to Year 7. At Cronk y Berry, the pupils will: *be visited by the Bemahague Year 7 Head of Year and Transition Co-ordinator in the first term *attend an information evening with parents In Janu…
What are the Zones of Regulation? The Zones of Regulation is an internationally renowned intervention which helps children manage their emotions. At Cronk y Berry we use the Zones of Regulation throughout the whole school. The zones provide a framework for our children to develop self-regulation. C…