
The school health service consists of a team of people with special training and experience in child health and development. The team includes school health advisers, school doctors, speech therapists and dentists. The School Health Adviser for CYB is Mrs. Lynn Hampton. Lynn is available to assist parents who have any concerns regarding their child’s health and well-being; you can contact her at the School Health Advisory Team, Crookall House, Demesne Road, Douglas, telephone number 642605 or 642606.

Head lice

The School Nurse does not inspect children’s hair for the presence of head lice. This check is part of a parent’s duty.

1. CHECK hair weekly combing wet, conditioned hair with a fine tooth comb.

2. TREAT- if your child does become infected medication can be obtained from any chemist or G.P.’s surgery.

3. TELL - friends and school.

4. NO alert letters will be sent home to all parents by school - parents of an infected pupil will be informed if spotted at school.

5. Pupils are not to be excluded if infected.

(Recommendations from the D.H.S.S .- Health Services - booklet “Management of Communicable Diseases in Schools, Nurseries and Workplaces”).

The School Nurse is available for advice.


If your child takes an inhaler there is an asthma card that needs to be completed and returned to school. This is available from the office. The card and inhaler will then stay in your child’s classroom.


If your child has an allergy, ie, to nuts, dairy products, etc., school needs to be informed so precautionary measures can be put into place. Children who require a special diet and have school meals will need a “Special Dietary Requirement” form to be completed by parents and signed off by a medical professional.s

Medicines in school

CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BRING MEDICINES TO SCHOOL. It is the policy of the Department that parents are responsible for the administration of medication during school time and school staff should not normally be expected to be involved with such duties, unless doses are long term (e.g. asthmatics using inhalers), in which case the management of administration should be negotiated between school staff, school nurse and parents. Parents are welcome to come into school and give their child medicine if they wish. In the case of children having to have 6 hourly antibiotics, for example, the Department's view is that, generally, such children should not be at school. If, of course, there are exceptional circumstances then please contact the Deputy Headteacher in order to discuss special arrangements. Generally, teachers cannot take on the responsibility for dispensing medication. Pupils who are so unwell should not be sent to school.

Sick children

If your child is injured or becomes unwell at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then call you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact emergency numbers that you listed on your child's school records. Please make sure that we are kept up to date. Information regarding recommended periods of exclusion and actions in cases of certain skin conditions can now be found in the Health services document: “Management of Communicable Diseases in Schools, Nurseries and Workplaces” - this is available at school, your GP’s surgery or at the health advisory service.

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