Millennium Football
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Well done to the team of Years 5 and 6 who represented Cronk y Berry at today's Millennium Football competition. We are very proud of their excellent teamwork, sportsmanship and behaviour. They played really well and were unlucky to miss out on the quarter finals. A huge thank you to Mr Roberts and…

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Netball Tournament
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On Tuesday 21st June, two teams went to play in the Year 5/6 Netball tournament for the east of the Isle of Man. They played against Willaston School, Henry Bloom Noble School and Vallajeelt School. Both teams played well and improved every match, it was a tough competition as all other schools had…

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Cross Country Competition
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Well done to the Cross Country team who took part in today's competition. They used our school's Secrets to Success by putting hard work into their training in the lead up to the competition. Today they pushed themselves and put in maximum effort - who can ask for anymore than that? The children al…

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Manx Music Festival
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Congratulations to all of our pupils who have been taking part in 'The Guild' this week. Today we were proud of the Year 6 pupils who performed in the Spoken Word class. The children had to learn a poem off by heart and perform it to the adjudicator and audience. This was the first time many of the…

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Simon Murray Visit
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We were delighted to welcome Simon Murray back to school for his Icky Doo Dah illustration workshops with Key Stage 1. The children produced some amazing work following Simon's techniques. We are also very grateful to Simon for his special illustration for our recently refurbished library.

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Lempen Puppets
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We were delighted to welcome back the Lempen Puppet Theatre company this week. With support from Berry Buddies, the children were absorbed by these puppets - where words are not needed to tell the story. The synopsis from their website hints that: Flotsam is soft, flexible, laid back. She slides an…

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Public Speaking 2022
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Congratulations to the 2022 Douglas Rotary Public Speaking team for their fantastic performance in the recent competition, held at Arbory School. After a mini Cronk y Berry competition in January, the winning speech was performed by Amy Gardner in Year 5. She spoke which great confidence on her cho…

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Reception Crocus Flower Competition
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Congratulations to the children in Reception who were chosen today by Rotary Members for their Crocus Flowers and the colouring competition. 'Purple4Polio" is an initiative led by Rotary clubs across Britain and Ireland. The crocus is used as a symbol because it serves as a remind of the purple ink…

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