Safer Schools App Launch
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Dear Parents, CYB eSquad are excited to launch a new app at Cronk y Berry. Whether you’re a mum, dad, carer, auntie, uncle, granny, grandpa or even an auntie- who’s-not-really-an-auntie-but-you’re-mum’s-best-friend-so-we-call-you-auntie- anyway, it’s important for you to understand what children ar…

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The Sound of Stories
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Our school choir joined forces with 24 other choirs this Wednesday and performed in an exciting concert, entitled: ‘The Sound of Stories’. This wonderful programme, written by Katie Lawrence, a teacher from Ballacottier School, celebrates many exciting stories and included hits such as: ‘Pure Imagi…

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Choir Success at the Manx Music Festival
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Wonderful performances from all three choirs last week at the Guild. Huge congratulations to Miss Leach and Mrs Garrett for all their hard work and support in getting the children's singing up to these amazing heights. We are so proud of them all.

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Visit to the Fire Station for Reception children
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Our Reception children enjoyed a fantastic afternoon outing to Douglas Fire Station with the Blue Watch Crew as part of their People Who Help Us topic. Pupils experienced travelling up to heights of 32 metres on the hoist, using high power water hoses, sitting inside fire trucks and looking through…

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Y1 pupils to Skype with children in the USA
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Our Y1 pupils are excited about the prospect of linking up with children in a school on Portclinton, Ohio, USA this Friday afternoon. They will be using Skype technology to enable this amazing experience and hopefully as long as the technology is working, the children will enjoy chatting to the chi…

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Happy Times Ahead!
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We are delighted that after months and months of technical difficulties and negotiations, a new school clock has finally been installed today! Great for the school and for our neighbourhood and no excuse to be late in the mornings!

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Chess Congress at CYB
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We were delighted to host the Annual Chess Congress this Saturday. Sponsored by Onchan Rotary, this event involved 12 of the Island's Primary Schools, each fielding a team of their 6 top players and one reserve. A huge congratulations to Scoill Vallajeelt for winning the overall competition, with K…

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Do we really know enough about healthy eating?
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The school nurse team have visited school this morning to speak to Year 6 about the importance of a healthy diet, particularly about being aware of how much sugar is in our food and drink. The children have taken part in various activities looking at how much sugar is in breakfast cereals, how much…

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News from Kingswood
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Monday The ferry crossing was fine on Monday, with no sea sickness, and everyone slept well last night. The weather in Wales is cold but clear and dry. On the first night the children had a mini olympics competition, and yesterday childrentolk part in: aero-ball, giant zip wire, archery, team tack,…

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