Year 5 entered NASA training facilities today to train as an astronaut. The activities were based on the BBC documentary Have You Got What It Takes To Be An Astronaut. This programme followed candidates as Chris Hadfield challenged them in a series of physical, mental, scientific and agility activities. The children were mixed up (like they would be on the International Space Station) and then given the morning to complete the following tasks:
Dexterity: complete a jigsaw with gloves on
Dexterity: use tweezers (with both hands) to move beads, repeating this after spinning around times to mimic life in space
Communication: build the tallest tower out of newspaper without talking
Programming: complete levels on the app Cargo-bot
Concentration: listen and repeat number sequences in reverse while stepping up and down on a block
Design: decorate a biscuit to look like the Milky Way
This afternoon they were focusing on their hand eye co-ordiantion with the ruler drop speed of light activity. Then it was fitness training with the Spacewalk and obstacle course. Finally, there was a quiz to ensure their knowledge of space is good enough for the space station!