Welcome to Cronk y Berry Primary School

It is our pleasure to give you a brief insight into some of the exciting things that happen in our school.

We are very proud of the successes of our school, the excellent relationships we have with our children, families and friends within our community and the team of people who work hard to make our school a happy place where we learn together.

As a school we are committed to life long learning and believe that education includes more than just the curriculum subjects. We aim to teach our children the skills necessary for living with others to create a warm, peaceful and caring community.

Prospective parents and students are welcome to visit the school. Please contact us to make an appointment.We shall be delighted to show you around our school.

Blog (latest activity)

Fire Safety Poster Winner
Published in the Blog

Congratulations to Ava in Year 6 for winning the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service Community Safety poster competition in the Primary School category. Local Leading Firefighter Community Safety officer, Richard Little, set the schools a task to design a new poster which promotes the use of smoke…

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Looking after your teeth in Year 4
Published in the Blog

Rosemarie Cuskeran from Manx Care visited Year 4 this morning to talk to us about the importance of looking after our teeth. She talked to us about healthy snacks and drinks and showed us the best way to brush our teeth. We learned that we should only use water to wash our toothbrush when we have f…

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Published in the Blog

We would like to say a big 'Thank you' to Janelle for running the cricket sessions for Reception to Year 4 this week. They all really enjoyed themselves. We are very grateful of her time, support and enthusiasm to make this summer sport a fun activity for our pupils. Years 5 and 6 are looking forwa…

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Gallery (latest activity)

Pages (recently updated)

Quality Assurance

Dear Parents and Carers, An external validation visit was undertaken at Cronk Y Berry School on the 17th and 18th June 2024 as part of a programme of external validation of schools commissioned by The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC). The aim of the external validation…

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Cronk y Berry School is committed to ensuring our students receive key information which enables them to understand the emotional, social, and physical aspects of growing up. These themes are explored through Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) which forms part of the larger PSHE (Personal, Socia…

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