Year 6 Open Evening

The staff at Bemahague look forward to welcoming Year 6 pupils and their parents to the Lower School on Thursday 17th January 2022. The school will be open between 4.15 and 6.30 pm for visitors to look around the site and facilities. Staff and pupils will be on hand to answer questions and show how learning is encouraged at St. Ninian’s. There will be an introductory talk in the main hall at 4.30pm for half of the partner primary schools and this is repeated at 5.30pm for the remaining schools and their pupils. A reminder of which talk to attend will be available at the front doors and details have been sent out to parents in the welcome letters.

We do hope that Year 6 pupils will enjoy the experience, share their excitement at being with us and ask as many questions as they can.

Transition Brochure