Year 6 Venture Centre 2023
in the Gallery
Year 6 had a fabulous week at the Venture Centre. They tried lots of new activities and made new friends along the way.
Year 6 had a fabulous week at the Venture Centre. They tried lots of new activities and made new friends along the way.
Thank to the families who came into Year 4 to help them with their topic this afternoon. We hope they enjoyed the digestive sys…
Reception went on the bus to the Community Farm this week. They saw a hairy pig and fed him potatoes! The children saw two donk…
There were special visitors to Cronk y Berry this week as the NFU and our local community police officer, PC Lou, came in with…
Well done to the team from Years 5 and 6 for their performance in the Indoor Athletics competition at the NSC.
We were delighted to welcome Simon Murray back to Cronk y Berry for his hugely popular Icky Doo Dah drawing workshop. His illus…
Thank you to the team of staff, parents and children who worked very hard to make the garden ready to be planted up. They had g…
There were some excited children (and adults) as the forecasted snow started to stick late last night. Friday dawned to the new…
Congratulations to the children in Years 5 and 6 for their amazing performance of Panto Pandemonium. The panto tells the story…